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nylon core

nylon core
splicing table

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conveyor belt
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inch / mm




VIS Order Processing Terminology

There are a number of ways how in the belting industry a particular piece of belting is described.  For example, one company might understand under the name 'coil' a full width, full length production roll, while another company is calling the same item a 'slab'.  To improve communication and prevent misunderstandings, we publish the following terminology that our company operates on.

VIS USA Order Processing Terminology:

Term Explanation
Belt Slab Full manufacturing width, full manufacturing length
Half Slab Full manufacturing width, half manufacturing length
Belt Coil Any width, full manufacturing length
Belt Piece Any width, any length
"As-Is" Any piece shipped off the shelf
Squared Ends Belt piece with ends being cut square
Prepared Ends Belt with ends being prepared by VIS USA
Endless Belt is spliced by VIS USA
Finger Splice Thermoplastic belt is prepared or spliced with Zig-Zag joint method
Skived Splice Belt is prepared or spliced with skive method
Bias Splice Belt splice is angled approx. 75 degrees
Laced Belt spliced with mechanical fastener
Recessed Lace Belt spliced with recessed lacing
Hidden Lace Belt spliced with a flap over lace
Cold Bond Splice Belt made endless with cold bond agent
NEL Net endless length: equivalent to table layout length and neutral or pitch length
STL Steel tape length measurement
I.C. Inside circumference
O.C. Outside circumference

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